Another one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  Another one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  Another one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  Another one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  Another one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  Another one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  @-webkit-keyframes bgslide{from{background-position-x:0}to{background-position-x:-200%}}@keyframes bgslide{from{background-position-x:0}to{background-position-x:-200%}}.wpp-widget-block-placeholder,.wpp-shortcode-placeholder{margin:0 auto;width:60px;height:3px;background:#dd3737;background:linear-gradient(90deg,#dd3737 0%,#571313 10%,#dd3737 100%);background-size:200% auto;border-radius:3px;-webkit-animation:bgslide 1s infinite linear;animation:bgslide 1s infinite linear}
Chicken Pasta

Pad Thai

Pad ThaiAnother one of my Thai takeout favorites is Pad Thai.  Since the spicy fried rice turned out so well, I decided to try my hand at making Pad Thai.  From my searching, I found that there are quite a few variations on this recipe, some of them are quite complicated and some are pretty basic.  Most of the recipes called for the same basic ingredients, most of which we had, so I just bought the rice noodles that were needed.  Fortunately there was a recipe on the box.  Sometimes the box recipes are good and sometimes bad, but it was pretty simple, so I went for it.  I must say that it turned out pretty well.  I will make  a couple changes the next time – like not using the bottled lemon juice, too lemony – but it’s a good start.  

Pad Thai
  1. 4 TBSP vegetable oil or canola oil (divided)
  2. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  3. 1/2 small yellow onion diced fine
  4. 1/2 lb chicken breast cut into bite sized pieces
  5. 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  6. 1/2 cup canned bean spouts (or fresh)
  7. 3 TBSP chopped roasted peanuts
  8. 3 TBSP scallions, thinly sliced
  9. 1 Box rice noodles - follow directions to cook noodles for stir fry
  1. 4 tablespoons lime or lemon juice
  2. 3 tablespoons fish sauce
  3. 3 tablespoons sugar
  4. 1-2 pinches crushed chilies or pepper flakes
  1. Heat 2 TBSP oil in wok or pan over high heat.
  2. Add garlic, onion and chicken to pan and cook until chicken is cooked.
  3. Transfer to plate.
  4. Add remaining 2 TBSP of oil to pan then pour in eggs; stir until cooked, about 1 minute. Make sure to break up the egg into small pieces.
  5. Reduce heat to low, add sauce and noodles to pan and mix well.
  6. Then, add cooked chicken and bean sprouts to noodles and toss.
  7. Garnish with cilantro, peanuts, scallion
Adapted from Annie Chun
Adapted from Annie Chun
Only From Scratch